Actions for Good Jobs
Senior Managers
In larger companies and organisations creating the infrastructure may be delegated to others, e.g. HRM, but senior management involvement is essential to set the aspiration.
Initiate the process and be proactive about providing good jobs.
Incorporate the good jobs aspiration into line manager training and support.
Ensure everyone in the workplace has contributed to finding the best combination of approaches to providing good jobs throughout the different parts of the business or organisation.
Review regularly and seek to improve.
Line Managers
Find out whether you are providing good jobs. Use guided questioning to determine whether the jobs you manage are sufficiently comfortable and engaging.
Identify potential improvements and make changes, recognising that creating good jobs is an aspirational goal to keep working toward.
Identify where skills need to be developed to help workers cope with unavoidable aspects of jobs that are unpleasant or uncomfortable.
Communicate effectively to senior management and workers about what can be realistically achieved toward providing good jobs.
Participate in open communication about how to make good jobs.
Question line managers when the process of providing good jobs is not occurring.
Respect and support your colleagues.
Senior Management sets the approach. Line Managers make it happen. Workers contribute to the process.